So, Hi There. recently, while Strolling On The Forum, A quite Sneaky skunk gave me an idea: We All play video games here, Right?
So How about we put our Favorites quotes there ?
Either Funny or Sad, Serious or simply ....unexpected, All quotes that you like can be considered gold in our eyes!
You can post as many As you Want,as long as you tell us which game it comes from , and optionnaly, why you like it (don't have to, but , if you want....)
Ok, Let's start with me then(Kinda hard to find something, Due to the fact that most of my favorites game are always localised, but well....):
-The Punisher (2005)
Carlo Duka: [Frank Castle kicks down the door leading to Carlo Duka's office with a shotgun in hand. Carlo Duka is startled and scared as he jumps up from his desk] But... But... But...
Frank Castle: Add a noun and a verb and you've got a sentence.
"nuff said.