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Everything posted by rbykitsune

  1. (Any comments about Sonic Boom will be ignored. That is a different universe altogether. Besides, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic SatAM came out the exact year.) From what I remember, the comics were based on Sonic SatAM (I used to think it was the other way around), so It'd be pretty interesting to go from Show to Comic to Show. If that's the case, I want this to be like other animated comic book adaptations, where it's sort of a retelling of the story arcs, but it has some changes along the way, as well as original stories. Heck, considering the how the quality of the comics were in the 2000's, plot holes, and bad continuity, it'd be a good opportunity to fix all of these errors. Cast (For the other characters that hasn't appeared in TV yet): Mina Mongoose: Hynden Walch Barby Koala: Laura Bailey Hershey Cat: Jennifer Hale Geoffrey St. John: Steve Blum Mammoth Mogul: Clancy Brown Fiona Fox: Tara Strong I would start at the beginning, where the freedom fighters first formed and explain some back stories of the characters. I'm not a fan of shows that just start at the middle and just was kind of there. That and Eggman is the more iconic villain, so it makes sense that the first season would center around Dr. Eggman.
  2. If the Archie Sonic Comics got a new TV series...

    That is true. I'd rather have his current voice actor. (Forgot his name) I'll be honest, I don't have any problem with it. It sounds older than the other Sonics, but it has it's own charm.
  3. If the Archie Sonic Comics got a new TV series...

    I know some of them are Pender's characters, but sooner or later there will be another court case and this time Ken will lose. As for the voice actors it was really hard to pick voice actors. I'm not a casting agent or anything.
  4. Ken Penders Topic...

    I think the reboot is both a good and bad thing. The good thing about it, is that it's good for new readers to not worry about continuity that much, and it was a badly written mess before this point anyways, so it's better to start at the beginning. The bad thing about it is that it's all caused by some writer who just doesn't want to let these characters out of his hands. (Ken Penders if you're reading this, you better make good use of these characters and well, USE THEM, otherwise what the hey was the point?) Though who knows what would happen if Archie would get these characters back? Personally, I would like to see a new TV show (I know, Sonic Boom isn't out yet, but that show is in a different universe) based on the comics, and retell a lot of the character arcs so they aren't horribly written, and have better continuity.
