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Scarlet Spider

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About Scarlet Spider

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  1. Ken Penders Topic...

    I'm lost on something. I'm assuming he's planning on selling this thing right? So it isn't a non-profit fan comic right? How can he use Mobius and the floating island (and Echinda's and Knuckles with their unimaginative name abbreviations)?   Wasn't that his big grip with Archie and Sega using his things but now he's using parts of theirs for this...thing?
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

      I get that, but they shouldn't have to rush. They've had it planned for a while and could have paced themselves accordingly. I think trying to fit all arcs into at least a 4 parter is what hampered this arc ending.
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Well that was anticlimactic. I suppose they're saving all the good fighting and stuff for the crossover.
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    The artwork doesn't really bother me. The way I look at it is they had the reboot and simplified things, so the artwork is following suit. And to a point, the story is too. Things could be left out/altered/or at least sped up some. But let's face it, it could have been worse. They could have dragged out the Werehog-Jedi training for another 6 issues like they did the reveal.
  5. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    And the world is split apart...do they really need to get paid to do the right thing and help fix it?
