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Posts posted by Flakk

  1. 1. Sonic 3 and Knuckles - Aside from Carnival Night act 2 being a bit too much of a slog and that bit with the barrel, the game was pretty much perfect, all of the levels felt interesting and had a good mix of speed and more platformy parts and overall is pretty much THE Sonic game imo

    2. Sonic Adventure - Level design is on a similar level to Sonic 3&K, if not better, Chao Gardens were also a great idea (Shame they never bother with it anymore) and most of the characters were a lot of fun to play (Even Big wasn't that bad, just kinda poinltess)

    3. Sonic CD - EU/JP version has the best soundtrack in the series and had some interesting, although very hit-and-miss, boss ideas. Plus an exploration focused Sonic game is actually a pretty fun idea.
