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About ColonelZuka

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/26/93

Profile Information

  • Gender Female
  • Location Up a wall [US]
  • Interests Small animals, robots, videogames, general sci-fi and fantasy, ect.

Contact Methods

  • Steam ColonelZuka
  • PSN Please ask if you want to add me

Single Status Update

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  1. Just spent the last 3 hours removing an unknown program and running various scans. Not how I wanted to spend tonight...

    1. Danny Felixe
    2. ColonelZuka


      Turns out the unknown program was a leftover from a GPU status monitor I installed from the manufacturer's website when I was having overheat/overload problems. I DID have a nasty worm in my system, but it seems to be gone now. I'll just have to keep an eye on things for a few days to be sure.
