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Posts posted by Zanoss10

  1. Well it could be a nice moment for release Honey the cat I guess.

    I mean, Sonic will encounter a old sage for a special traning so it could be possible.

    I really like the normal cover and I can't wait to see the next issue :)

  2. Well, I don't think the character of Ken penders will come back again and for me it's a good thing.

    I mean, the character of Ken take too many place in the Sonic universe and the other character was sometime completely erase by them.

    I prefer to stay focus on the real main character with some secondary character.

  3. For me, the werehog form should represent the anger of Sonic and his animal side (yes unleashed like the title of the game !) like they will do it in the comic, and it's a really good thing.

    One of my reproach of Sonic unleashed was Sonic in werehog who stay the same with his normal personnality, a real big mess for Sonic team who don't exploited properly a good idea who was the Werehog.

  4. Well about Honey, I love her design.

    And her personnality as never develop so I think Archie could do something awesome with her.

    I saw in the fan letter a lot of people wanna her and the Archie's answer going in the same direction. I think they just wait the proper time to put her in the comic.

    Like they do with Bean, Bark, Fang and Ray :)

  5. I really enjoy the new direction where Archie going, It's much better than before (I didn't follow all issue but I know the mess they did during a long time).

    And the departure of Ken Penders was probably the best thing that happened to Archie.

    I'll also love archie if they put Honey the cat (my favorite character <3 )

  6. Hello, I'm Zanoss, a big Sonic fan also :)

    I'm 20 years old and I'm french but I love read english comic (it's also a nice training for my english).

    I wish to say thanks to the whole team for upload so much comic and so fastly =)

    Thanks guys, you are awesome !
