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Status Replies posted by RegularUser

  1. Hi there! In russian part me know half part of the forum. But here nobody knows me. I hope I will be here. And sorry for my bad English, I'm Russian :(

    1. RegularUser


      Yeah. But in the Russian side of SCANF, in Role-Playing Games have Mini-role topic. I have get to used to.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Bah. Tomorrow's the school... -_-

  3. Hi there! In russian part me know half part of the forum. But here nobody knows me. I hope I will be here. And sorry for my bad English, I'm Russian :(

    1. RegularUser


      Hmm... Activity in this place isn't good.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi there! In russian part me know half part of the forum. But here nobody knows me. I hope I will be here. And sorry for my bad English, I'm Russian :(
