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Posts posted by Inuki

  1. Cheery is stealing many chocolates, and Coral gets hugged for skipping through a sea of lillies and Seviper on a pretty flower after returning her coat into the store!

  2. (lol. xD)

    Cheery is stealing many chocolates, and Zangoose gets hugged for skipping through a sea of lillies with Seviper on a flower after returning her coat into the store!

  3. (HURRAH)

    Cheery is eating many chocolates, and Zangoose gets hugged for skipping through a sea of lillies with Seviper on a flower after returning her boots into the store!

  4. (Oooh! Oooh! I wanna join!)

    Cheery is eating many chocolates, and Zangoose gets clobbered for skipping through a sea of lillies with Seviper on a boat after returning her boots into the store!
