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Posts posted by sirhc179

  1. Jeez its been forever since iv'e last seen any of the chaotic's in the comics. Honestly, i think they should bring back the Knuckles the Echidna comics. The series has grown so much and their are so many stories to tell, i think that having 2 comic lines aren't enough.

    While the series will have its own stories, there are still going to be many connections to the games, whether we like it or not. (I'm personally fine with this.) As for Tails' age, I don't recall them ever bringing it up in the reboot yet, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. That being said, of course each character will develop & grow as time passes, but I don't expect any major changes in age. As for being treated like a child (and by extension, the 'artists' remark) ...since when has that happened recently?

    I have absolutely no problem with the comics having a connection to the games either. As for Tails being treated like a child, i was talking about the issues way back when Sonic, Sally, Khan, and Tails went to the east during the Journey to the east comics (Though right now he isn't being treated like a child which i like). Also about the comment on the artist, I'm not talking about the Archie artists (in my opinion the Archie artists are amazing at the way they draw they characters!), I meant the fan artists on Deviant Art.

  2. Thanks for all the replies. I hope they don't make the comics like the games. Archie Sonic should be it's own story, and it's own world. In Archie, the story's are a lot more serious then the games in my opinion, and i like that. I also like the fact that the characters develop and grow over time. As a major Tails fan, i was really looking forward to when he would be a teenager so that he would stop being treated like a child (Maybe it could also make artists stop drawing him as a sissy crybaby).

  3. I was looking at Sonic and Tails age on SonicNewsNetwork and Sonic Encyclopedia and it says the current age for Sonic (after the second genisis wave) is still 17 while Tails age has gone from 11 back to 8. Why is that? Is their any proof? I really like Tails and i think he is one of the best characters in the series. I would like to see him evolve in age as well as character. He was soon going to turn 12 and later Sonic would turn 18. I know this isn't a big deal but when i saw Tail's age it really bothered me, I don't know why... Hopefully its just an error. For now i will just ignore and say he is still 11.
