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Delicious echidna

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Status Updates posted by Delicious echidna

  1. At first , I though Max payne 3 was a good game . It was a poor choice of words . For once, I can say that a game was worth every single years of waiting .

  2. Tonight, I realised a terrible thing... How much of a liar I actually was. Looks like I was right : I do tend to be manipulative at times.

  3. At least, I finally got over it... I hope.

  4. After everything I have been throught, A not really important news, but still heartwarming for me : My Ps3 is now working like a charm. From now, I'll be able to browse Scanf from my Tv , play game on my computer, And vice versa ^^

  5. Oh boy ..... My feets ... I walked so much today ..... I cannot feel anything paste my ankles....I guess that's mean it's time for me to find a job.

  6. We tend to criticize Capcom a lot for it's lack of originality when it comes to video games and such (Especially the DLCs) .... But I think i won't say anything about "Remember me" .

  7. And I'm back in my parent's home. It's strange to be back in a way, and to go around all the places I used to go younger...

  8. sometimes , the best way to cheer up is to watch Jack black . Any jack black .

  9. Red faction : Guerilla is what would had happenned , had Knuckles been fighting For the Freedom fighter instead of Sonic.

  10. GTA 4 might be a violent , satyrical game. But I have to say that they went as far as making several TV channel. I'm impressed .

  11. "I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start ...A flamme in your heart..."

  12. While I would Have enjoyed present for christmas , I don't really have much to ask for. So I'll give instead .

  13. have a christmas party in a few minutes . Won't be able to post as much ... See you all later on . And if not , Merry FU@€#%$ christmas to all :)

  14. For those interested , Left 4 dead 2 is free on steam until tonight apperently . Go grab it if you can.

  15. Alright people.. sweet dreams to all. i'm going to sleep.

  16. The weekend is starting under some good new. I'll be able to replace my old phone tomorrow .

  17. i realised I haven't finished my let's play. But I can't do it here, since I need to post a lot of pictures along the lines of text. any idea? ps: My Rp blog on Tumblr is complete.

  18. Alright, I'm out guys... goodnight all. especially you, Rouge.

  19. I see things aren't getting any better . And rather than finding a durable solution , some people just keep on saying they can't jack about it. I should know, I'l one of them.

  20. Have dying on my bed for the entire night. Couldn't do much. Turnout they were right about drinking water ....

  21. Well, its been one month now. I guess this new banner Is here to stay. I, for one, is already worshiping the new icebender, sonic the hedgehog.

  22. Family meeting. Won't be there a lot. Be back in 4-5 hours.

  23. alright , time for me to sleep guys... i start at 7 in the morning. night you all. .

  24. "You just keep talking in one incredibly long unbroken sentence, moving from topic to topic so that no one get the chance to interpret it because quite hypnotic"
