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Everything posted by coleander

  1. Introduction Thread

    A-oh. My name is Cole. I remember back when i was around 7 and my brother and I used to go to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video to rent games for the weekend. There were always so many games to choose from and I remember specifically eyeing Sonic Heroes for a few weeks before deciding to give it a shot. It was from then on that both my brother and I were hooked. He stayed up through Christmas Eve nearly completing the game and for the most part I just watched but fully enjoyed the experience. Ten years later and I'm still smitten with the blue blur. I've played most of the games, excluding most games from before Playstation unfortunately, and have a hefty knowledge of the characters and trivia about the universe. However, I hadn't considered reading the comics until now. I remember a few snippets of things I had read about comic characters in my attempt to cover as much of the Sonic universe as I could a few years back, but I haven't experienced the full story. Apart from my love of everything Sonic, I also enjoy various anime series, writing fanfiction (which is also linked back to Sonic, embarrassingly enough), and playing videogames. I aspire to be a game designer/developer and want to create new games based on twisting old tropes and archetypes. Since I'm mostly all about the games, my favorite Sonic characters would have to be Silver, Blaze, Sonic and the wonderful Chaotix.
