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Lena Stan Account

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Status Updates posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. "Tacos" NMS says NMS says as he throws tacos everywhere! (Cheery might get what I mean :3)

  2. And so I finally get a break from school come online and go straight to the new gintama manga only to see one more fav is dead..... -_-

  3. Oh well on chapter 5-3. Just kicked IT's ass in RE4. Now that kerauser or whatever guy is next.

  4. My main team of Edgar, Terra, Celes and Setzer are above lv40 in FFVI. I have done every side quest (Gogo guy, Cyan's nightmare) expect the 8 draggys who the last 2 are on kefkas tower. I want to know if the main team is ready for that or not.

  5. I hope I could get out of Lazy-mode. XD

  6. Ugh. My parents stayed their gonna force me to be an English teacher this summer. xD I'm not a good teacher! I'm short tempered with idiots. xD

  7. I will probably get around 14 in physics from 20... it good right? xD

  8. "Oh look it's the Mohawk man riding a mech that shows his assistant to the entire world" The best line from Kill la Kill X""D

  9. Nightmare Chica looks the creepiest of them all so far. I hope we get a Nightmare puppet!

  10. Finally hunted down Feral Chaos...However he was much easier than I thought. I mean there have been enemies who my hits did 0 damage but Mr.FC totally was crushed by a lv100 Cloud. My average hit took 200 bravery. Fun fact : I beat both Chaos and Feral Chaos with Cloud. X"D

  11. That cliffhanger on Kekkai Sensen. X"D

  12. Two new RPGs are coming to PSP. Yes PSP. XD I thought no one would make another game for PSP. XD One is Class of Heroes 3. The other which has me interested is Summon Night 5.

  13. Two new RPGs are coming to PSP. Yes PSP. XD I thought no one would make another game for PSP. XD One is Class of Heroes 3. The other which has me interested is Summon Night 5.

  14. My -> button on my laptop's keyboard doesn't work... Any solutions?

  15. Hmmm.. I have read a lot about the Dark Souls being one of the hardest games out there.. Gonna get it then. XD Is it good?

  16. Dragon ball is never going to end. XD One thing I don't get is that what time exactly is this DBSuper? Is it after the movie battle of gods or before it? It wouldn''t make sense if it was before it.

  17. I demand a second season of Nanatsu No Taizai next season!

  18. I demand a second season of Nanatsu No Taizai next season!

  19. I demand a second season of Nanatsu No Taizai next season! Meliodas got his True Darkness back which makes the ten commandants shake in their boots!! And King might be getting a new look because of meliodas full countering disaster.

  20. DT17 90 Minute Finale on March 15th 

  21. The Favorite part of Anime Assassination Classroom is now mah sigy. XD

  22. Dat Darn Capra Demon in dark souls =-=" I mostly use shields so.. got screwed on first try.

  23. And here I am against the Gaping Dragon. I am cursed with only half of my health =-=" I guess I gotta go all the way and find a curse remover. Or maybe kill the Gaping Dragon?

  24. Only three more bosses left. Manus. Kalameet. Gywn. 

    Seath was rather disappointing. Beat him in first try. 

    Artorias was beaten too~ Just thanks to finding out that I can stop him from powering up. XD He howled at me twice while I was two handing him. X""D 
