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Lena Stan Account

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Status Updates posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. That Keele.....Such a moron...Pure Brained fool.

  2. UGH! Ants! Ants everywhere!! Gotta kill em all.

  3. Can't wait for the next episode of AGK!!

  4. And what I hate about anime is that I just cant hold myself back and I end up reading the whole story up in manga.

  5. Mecha Naruto filler episodes today....WERE LAME! Well I can't expect anything great from fillers. The only good filers were some in Bleach and One Piece. Itachi has the village countless times, That's what this fillers say.

  6. Statues : BORED!

  7. Phewwww...Finally took down the Diablos. I never thought it could give me this much of hard work. Not even all those Rathalos and Rathian could do this (Expect when they both in gold and silver form attacked me in one "room".

  8. Ugh. My mother recently has gotten a new music cd or whatever and plays it everyday and it's noise is everywhere!

  9. Waiting for the new anime episodes to come sure is annoying.

  10. THIS THIS THIS!! I am still laughing for 30 minutes after watching it. If your interested go check Gintama's 79th episode. THAT TOILET PART.

  11. It's quite here....

  12. Why the hell did the cold weather go away? Was it only to give me a cold? Trolls. Trolls everywhere.

  13. WTH. Law is actually a D. ?! One piece is becoming intenser than ever!

  14. Zippity Doo Dah!

  15. Hey. Anyone noticed that NMS actually was in Sonic Generations but in another form? Only in the 3DS version.

  16. Wow. That new Akame Ga Kill! episode was way past cool. It wasn't like in manga though...

  17. Gonna go bust some Black Holes...Really the 3 new black hole COs in Dual Strike are lame. Even Adder was better.

  18. 300 steps to be a successful EVIL overlord. Imma ready! Tomorrow on TV you will see me stealing kitties, chocolates and video games! And destroying schools. :D

  19. "Flak! Flaaklakakalakaklaakaka!!" Quote of the day.

  20. New Akame Ga Kill episode!! Mine Vs Esdeath!

  21. Well Aqua's magic isn't half bad.

  22. After beating Fume Knight I felt like Sanageyama from Kill la Kill. I just had to go into battle fully relying on dodging rather than defending. 

    But now... That freaking Alonne is killing me! >:(

  23. So there's a change theme option down there now... Chaos christmas theme!! X3
