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Status Replies posted by Ryo_Inazuma

  1. I seriously need help in putting up a picture signature on my forums can someone HELP ME?!

  2. I seriously need help in putting up a picture signature on my forums can someone HELP ME?!

  3. I seriously need help in putting up a picture signature on my forums can someone HELP ME?!

    1. Ryo_Inazuma


      so I go on google and find a picture I copy the link in toolbar then go to edit my signature and paste the link into it?

      I think I tried doing that but when I post something it just shows the link and not the pic

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. I seriously need help in putting up a picture signature on my forums can someone HELP ME?!

    1. Ryo_Inazuma


      um well I looked on google and found a sonic signature and I want to use it as my signature but how do I do it? i tried copying the link in broswer but it not work please show me


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)
