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Posts posted by CalligraphOwl

  1. Good day everyone. We at Sonic SCANF would like to inform you on an important matter that will affect the entirety of our site.

    As many of you know, we have been uploading the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man comics on our website for fans to enjoy for free. Unsurprisingly, this is considered on almost any front illegal, as Archie Comic Publications Inc. is not making any profit from us. While we have been considering alternate methods to assist Archie, ultimately we came to a final decision. Out of respect for Ian Flynn and his team, we have decided to stop publishing the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics on our website. It would be unreasonable for us to continue uploading them without permission while they are suffering.

    What does this mean for Sonic SCANF? We will continue to be around for now, as the News, Forums and Gallery will still be available to everyone. However, we will suffer a massive dent in the traffic as many people only visited our site for the comics. None of us know what the future will hold for Sonic SCANF, but whenever we know something, we’ll be the first to let you know.

    Therefore, we would ask you to please accept the statement and not request us to continue uploading the comics. It would be disrespectful to both Archie Comics and us, and our decision won’t change.

    We hope to see you stick around. If not, thank you for your time and supporting our website.

    The Sonic SCANF team.

    Well, I have a few things to say:

    First, I joined to read the free Archie Sonic Comics, and it sure did make me into a Sonic fan! I would like to thank you for posting free comics for the while.

    Second, I agree with your decision to remove and stop uploading Sonic/Megaman Comics. This, in turn, will make you lose many followers, but the true people that appreciated the website as a whole will stay. 

    Finally, third, my suggestion with attracting more followers is adding a tab where people can read and submit fanfaction of the Sonic Universe, and add games for people to play. 

    Hope this helps.          :)

