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Everything posted by Chaotix_Espio_24

  1. What's your favorite pokemon?

    Welp, Me and my crazy obsession of pokemon have decided to ask you this question... WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE POKEMAN? Mine's Medicham
  2. The sonic number game

    So, I was bored, so I decide to post this game on the forum. So each person has to count up one, kind of like "count to 550 before any mods post" game. But each time you get a number with a six in it or if you get a multiple of six you have to say sonic, instead of your number. If any one forgets to post Sonic, we have to restart the counter, let's try to get the furthest possible! (By the way, mods and admins can still play this game ) Record:42 Players who helped:     I'll start. 1
  3. Pokemon shiny stories

    Hey guys, I haven't been as active on the server for a while for a few personnal reasons. But about a week ago I caught a shiny zangoose and freaked out. I started to Wonder if any of you had cool shiny stories, so here's where ya post em.
  4. Youngest Sonic Scanfer competition

    Welp, I'll start: I'm 12
  5. Top 3 favorite Undertale characters

    Well, this is pretty self-explanatory. So  tell me your top 3 favorite Undertale characters! Mine are: 1. Sans 2. Mettaton EX 3. Nastablook
  6. Ban the above poster

    (Banned because: ... what?) Ha! Take that you big pile of fondue! *Starts licking the chocolate*
  7. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Same here, Great job!
  8. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: *Gets caught by chocolate people* Guys! Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  9. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: I'LL DISTRACT THEM! AAAAAAAH! *Runs off*
  10. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: ... what chocolate chimchar clone? *Is eating the chocolate chimchar clone*
  11. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: Meh, why not. "Also goes in the hole and vanishes"
  12. A Sonic story...In 7 words or less.

    chocolatina which is the art of...
  13. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: WATERFALL HUG!
  14. A Sonic story...In 7 words or less.

    That had been cursed by Mammoth Moggul...
  15. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but in doing that, you find yourself in a pitch black world where you are the only living soul. I wish for meat.  
  16. RING RING Telephone!

    Buble and Zero King loved the anime: Flying Fish strawberry Shadow Gutsman of Rainbow fanon
  17. Count to Infinity

  18. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: nothing better than a saturday night watching anime and drinking hot chocolate.
  19. A Sonic story...In 7 words or less.

    feet smell like...
  20. Ban the above poster

    (Banned because: Ya forgot to say Banned  because:) I'M FREE!
  21. RING RING Telephone!

    Buble and monkey Zero king loved the Planet: Flying Fish strawberry Shadow Gutsman Raimbow fanon
  22. A Sonic story...In 7 words or less.

    ... (you aren't allowed to finish the story)
  23. Count to Infinity

    18 (For games like these, they are accepted)
