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About KiraTheLight

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  • Birthday June 06

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  • Gender Female
  • Location Wouldn't you like to know
  • Interests Lots of stuff.

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  1. Sad moments

    I read this in Sonic Universe recently. The arc where Mighty goes off to find his sister. That moment when Mighty finally sees Tilly again and tries to hug her but she tells him she doesn't care about him and doesn't have a brother. The look on Mightys face broke me. I actually cried a little. He spent years looking for her only to get rejected in the end. It's down right soul crushing dude.
  2. I just posted my first topic. I hope it goes well.

  3. I started reading Sonic Universe about a month ago and I started learning about a bunch of really cool and interesting characters that I never knew existed. See I only found out about the Sonic Comics recently and only grew up with the games and TV shows. It seems like hardly anyone knows about these characters and it's sad. Characters like Bean the Duck who's crazy as a loon and can somehow make enemy missiles explode in mid air with his craziness. Or Mighty the Armadillo who could probably go toe to toe with Hercules and maybe win. (I'd love to see him in a game, he'd be so OP!) Or Shard the reformed Mecha Sonic. The way it looks he's the first instance of one of Eggmans creations turning to good plus he's 10 times cooler than Omega in my opinion (I still think Omega's cool, it's just Shard is higher up on my cool meter) and yet the walking arsenal is more well known. I could go on but I wanna know what other people think. Who are your favorite underrated characters and what makes them so cool?
