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Status Updates posted by Shinomi-chan

  1. that awkward moment... when you're watching anime... and then your parents come out of no where to your room... o-o

    1. Shinomi-chan


      oh my... o-o poor Lino... and yeah I know when they're coming too but when they come.. they come crashing the doors like titans!! Dx

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Hahhahhah! Titans XD

    3. Shinomi-chan


      you got it bro :D

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  2. Am I the only one who thinks Kingdom Hearts is secretly kind of racist game? o-o (joke do not take this seriously)

    1. Shinomi-chan


      I mean really! you kill BLACK Heartless in the game. almost all of them are BLACK! (at least the face) and thne you're supposed to beat Ansem who's BLACK!! btw.. O_O has no one ever noticed this??

    2. Margred


      Lol :b yesh :D

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  3. those who do not know me yet... I'm random, I love hugs and I will find you and I will hug you.

  4. Has anyone else ever been so tired that when you fall asleep then try to wake up you just can't? even if you want to?

  5. I sometimes hear whispering in my room and footsteps... should I assume Slender Man is after me?

  6. ok so I have no other complains about Kingdom Hearts except: SEPHIROTH just won't let me beat himself!! Dx AARGH!

    1. The Jest

      The Jest

      Because I feel I Have to: SIN HARVEST!

      I could barely, if ever, beat Sephy as well in that game. While I personally found him to be an entertaining boss all the same, I Do feel your pain, Shinomi.

    2. Shinomi-chan


      thank you Jest ;____; that means a lot to me... and even in Kingdom Hearts 2... spamming triangle button just isn't enough!! Dx IT ISN'T!!! curse you SEPHIROTH!!! and I would try that cookie thing... but they don't have: "force poison cookies down Sephiroth's throat"

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  7. In real life I might seem to be a quiet person. but those who know me online know that I'm completely mad and proud of it!! xD

  8. Just because I might act normal sometimes doesn't mean I am normal

  9. If I like Games, Anime, Manga and Creepy Pasta... does that make me: Super Paranoid Gamer Otaku? or: Supagaot! in short? o_o

    1. Guest


      I don't think it does.

    2. Shinomi-chan
  10. being mad is cool.. but being mad and Otaku is even better! xD

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      SUPER Anime fan. "Anime is the core of the world"

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      "sip tea" My friend,otaku unfortunaly does not mean 'anime fan'. It is a japanese term designing people with an usually unealthy obsession over something , some of the most infamous being Anime fans.

      and unlike Nerd in the US , this is not a possibly positive term.

    3. Shinomi-chan


      yeah it's kind of complicated term.. but it does also mean a person who just simply loves anime and manga a lot... but what Locke said is also true.

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