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Posts posted by Katmuffin

  1. "I promise, that's what happened." Peggy said, getting the pen and paper from the desk and handing them to Ian, "Where is this place?"

    - -

    "He can figure out how to stuff, but can't actually do stuff." Myra replied.

  2. "Well alright," Peggy said, "We had just finished fighting Metal Sonic and Tails doll, and where about to leave, when Skye asked G to stop being snappy. They quarlled a bit, and frankly G was being a bit bossy, getting worked up over nothing. Then after we thought the fight was broken up G asked to talk to Skye personally, and Skye refused. This put G over the edge and he stormed off. I thought that finding his mother would be more important to G than having the dream team. This kind of stress should of conviced him him to deal with it." Peggy shook her head, "That's why I came here, I want to know what motivated him to act like this."

    - -

    Myra giggled, "Really though, any ideas besides Boulder's burritos?"

  3. "The group didn't set off at all, G decided that we should cancel the mission because one kid was a little sassy. Not even that, he was just the first one to tell G that he was a bit wound up!" Peggy said, trying to stay calm.

  4. (But does Eggman have any larger Badinks left to send? Also we should come up with a master plan for him, if we end up getting to that base, and probably afterwards too, Eggman is going to be very involved. Or we could give him to someone.)

  5. (Erm, didn't Geoffrey ask us to wait?)

    "I'm going to go talk to G's dad." Peggy said, "I got his address. See if I can get him to talk to G or somthing."

    For sure Myra texted back, then looked up at Peggy, "Don't you want to hear what the note says?" She asked.

    "No," Peggy replied, "If G wants to tell me anything he can tell me himself."
